Have you ever been asked to do something that didn’t make sense?

Have you ever received instructions that shocked you or upset the status quo? Acts 10 tells the story of two men who met under very unexpected circumstances.

Read Acts 10.

The story takes place not long after Jesus Christ had ascended to Heaven. Due to persecution, the followers of Jesus were beginning to scatter from Jerusalem throughout the known world. In chapter 10, we meet Cornelius as he encounters a Jew who has embraced the teachings and person of Jesus Christ.

Take some time to really think through each of the questions below. Type your answers in the spaces provided and you’ll be connected to a coach who will write back to you. You can ask your coach anything and you can be sure that he or she will be praying for you throughout this series.

Is anything holding you back? Connect with one of our CONFIDENTIAL MENTORS today.

updated September 2019

Photo Credit: Sandis Helvigs