I used to feel like a prisoner locked inside my own world not knowing how to escape. Have you been here? Have you noticed that it is hard to talk to others around you about you? I consider myself a very private person. It was always hard for me to open up and share with others how I was really doing.

Over the years I have seen so many people betrayed because they shared intimate details about their lives with others whom they felt could be trusted. I knew at that point I didn’t want to be in their place and suffer the embarrassment and the pain they experienced. Out of my own need, God birthed a desire in me to become a safe place for others to heal.

We all need someone. We all need an outlet. We were never meant to be an island isolated from everyone else. It was never God’s plan for man to be alone. It is so freeing to know we have people in our corner who are genuinely concerned about us and our well-being.

If you find yourself where I once was, ask God to lead you to the person you can be open with about your feelings and thoughts. Someone that has His heart for you. It may be a trusted friend, counselor, or pastor, or a mentor from this website. Once you begin getting the help you need, will you also consider becoming a safe place for others to heal?

Lord, I often find myself drifting back into isolation out of fear of being hurt again. I ask that you lead me to the safe place of healing that is available for me. I ask that you teach me who to trust with my innermost thoughts. I pray that, even as you heal me, I too will become a safe place for others to heal. Amen.

Go Deeper ― Make a list of people you know whom you consider safe. Then pray and ask God to lead you to the one best suited for you to open your heart to. Or, if you have such a friend already, pray for God to lead you to someone who may need you to be their safe place.

Tags: dependence Romans 12
Photo Credit: Steven Van Loy