If you are a North American as I am, you know the power of living in a free nation. As a Christian, you would know the benefits of being able to publicly pray and to worship freely where you live. However, those freedoms came with a cost.

Soldiers, like my father, fought in wars so that our land and homes could be protected, and so we could remain free from tyranny. Their sacrifice meant time away from home, and perhaps even losing their limbs — or their lives. Greater still, Christ Himself went to Calvary so that we could be free from sin and an eternity in Hell.

While Paul spoke to the Galatians about freedom from regulations, such as circumcision, he emphasized that Jesus came to free us from our sin. However, Paul pointed out that Jesus didn’t set us free to do whatever we want, whenever we want, which would lead us back to our own selfish, sinful desires. That would be returning to the bondage we were in before we surrendered our lives to Christ.

Today, we must also guard against legalism and religious “rules” so that we don’t carry a burden that would enslave us — the burden that the Lord already took from us.

You and I may be tempted to go back to our old ways and our old laws, but we are called to break those chains by the resurrection power of Jesus. If you are still struggling with bondage, let Him fully free you today.

Lord, forgive me when I try to return to my old imprisonment of sin or legalism. Remind me that when you died on the cross, you freed me once and for all. Amen.

Go Deeper — Ponder all the freedoms you have in this life, including free will. Make a list of those former rules you followed or sins you were enslaved to and thank God for breaking the bondage.

Read Further — What old ways and old laws are still hanging around? Read The Lies We Believe.

Tags: Freedom Galatians 5
Photo Credit: Stefan Gessert