“Come to me,  all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28, NASB)

“Time for church!” The sound of her own voice grates upon her as she calls to her children.  With a heavy heart, the tired mother half-heartedly applies her lipstick, recalling diapers, difficulties, and the drama of bringing her young family to church.  “Will I even get anything from it?” she wonders, as she parts her hair in the mirror and considers her need to cook, clean, and above all, rest.

In the busy swirl of Sunday mornings, many of us forget that we go to church to worship God and to unload our every burden.  That process begins even in the sacrifice of our early morning surrender.  The Holy Spirit inspires and convicts us through preparation, worship, prayer, offering, lesson, and fellowship.  Only in this time set aside for complete surrender to God do we realize the sweet paradox that through this giving of our time, talents, and plans, we find rest for our weary souls.

Bristling at her grumpy reflection, the woman reflects on Matthew 11:28 in the hopes that God willonce again meet her there.  She calls out, her voice gentle but firm, “C’mon guys, we’re going to be late, and I really need it.”

Dear Lord, Thank You for calling me to You each week, even when I am grumpy, discouraged, or exhausted.  Your gifts of rest and fellowship for the journey are sweet to my soul, and I find Your comfort when I am with others who also want to hear from You.  Please help me continue meet with other believers, to surrender every burden to You, and to be a blessing to those I meet along the way as well.  Amen.


Set aside time for church this week. If you cannot go on a Sunday, enjoy a mid-week or Saturday service. When you are there surrender every burden to His care.  Envision God taking your heavy load of stress from you, and do your part to work hard on meeting your goals as well. For further reading Gail Rodgers has a fresh perspective on what it means to go to church.

Tags: satisfaction