For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Every year, Jocelyn and the other ladies in her extended family get together to make a quilt. Its purpose has been decided on the year before — it’s either a wedding present or for a new baby or it captures a family’s history somehow. One of the older relatives has decided on the color palate and design, and the others collect pieces of fabric over the year. For one weekend, hands fly and sewing machines hum until the masterpiece is complete.

When it’s done, it’s a beautiful work of art. Not only that, it’s specifically designed with a purpose in mind.

“We are God’s handiwork.” God, while creating us, put deliberate and intricate thought into who we are. From the thickness of our hair to what makes us laugh, we are His masterpieces, made in His image.

But He doesn’t stop there. We’re not just something nice to look at; we’re made for a reason. In Ephesians 2:10, Paul says we’re created to do good works; that’s what God had in mind when He made us. Though God has grace for us when we ignore this purpose, and though we can’t earn a place in heaven by being “good people,” we need to remember who we are. We need to live into our purpose: to love Him and to love others.

Father, thank You for creating us in Your image. Thank You that we are Your handiwork, Your intricately designed and lovingly created masterpieces. Help us not to ignore Your purpose for our lives. May we love You and love others radically, with all that we are. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Take Action

Do you find it difficult to see yourself as God’s handiwork? Start reading the series Searched and Known, and begin to discover who you are in Christ.