Anselm, who became Bishop of Canterbury in the 11th century, was a Christian monk who influenced the Church of his day through his theological and philosophical writings. This is one of his prayers to God: 

O blessed Lord,
you have commanded us to love one another.
Just as we have received your undeserved blessings,
may we love everyone in you and for you.

We ask your kindness for all,
but especially for the friends
whom your love has given to us.
Love them, O fountain of love,
and move them to love you
with all their heart,
that they may will, and speak, and do only those things
which are pleasing to you.

Our prayer is cold,
because our love is so feeble,
but you are rich in mercy.
Do not measure your goodness to them by the dullness of our devotion,
but as your kindness surpasses all human affection,
so let your hearing transcend our prayer.
Do what is best for them, according to your will,
that being ruled and protected by you always and everywhere,
they may receive eternal life in the end;
to you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
be all honor and praise forever and ever. Amen.

Throughout This Day: Take time to pray for the spiritual growth of your Christian friends and for the salvation of those who do not yet know Jesus.


St. Anselm, eleventh century A Collection of Prayers

Tags: 2000 Years of Prayer Daily Devotional Colossians 1
Photo Credit: Thea Hdc