Each day this month, we will consider key moments in God’s glorious plan to redeem us. We will understand both the overarching story of God and the highlights of all he’s done for us in Christ.

God could have used anyone to begin his rescue plan. Yet he chose a Semite married to his half-sister (read Genesis 11:31-12:9).

Abraham lived with his father and his extended family in the city of Ur, in what is now southern Iraq. 

We don’t exactly know how the exchange took place, but God called Abraham to leave his homeland and move to an unknown place where God would bless him. 

Although Abraham took some time to respond, he obeyed. Along with his family, he first moved north to the city of Haran, today located on the southern border of Turkey. Then, when his father died, Abraham moved to the land God had called him to — the land of blessing.

The term “chosen” brings back memories of children picking teams at recess. Or it makes me think of uncomfortable theological discussions about whom God does or doesn’t choose. Even if I feel this way, I must wrestle with this incontrovertible fact: God chose Abraham. In his love and grace, God called this imperfect man to a life of faith and blessing. Despite his many stumbles, Abraham became the father of a nation and the father of faith. 

It is through God’s goodness and grace that he saves us through faith. Like Abraham, God calls each of us to leave our old life behind, to obey by faith, and to enter into all the blessings he has for us, including being a blessing to others.

“He has saved us and called us to a holy life — not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace” (2 Timothy 1:9).

Father, in your unfathomable wisdom, you chose to begin your plan of reclaiming this world by calling one family out of all the families in the world, so that we could all be blessed through it. Thank you for including me in your eternal plan and calling me to become your chosen and cherished adopted child.

Throughout This Day: Marvel at the power and sovereignty of God, who saw all the details of his plan of salvation before time even began and slowly revealed that plan through the ages. 

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Tags: God’s Story Daily Devotional 1 Peter 2
Photo Credit: Photoholgic on Unsplash