God had told Abraham to go and sacrifice his only son whom he loved. This was obviously a test of obedience and complete trust in God, as seen later in the story. One key thing I want us to take note of in the verse above is the word, “worship” used by Abraham. He was in the process of carrying out the instruction of God and he called it worship. We worship God when we obey His word to us.

Obedience to God’s instructions may not be the simplest thing to do as far as the flesh is concerned, but as we choose to be led by the Spirit instead of ourselves, we will experience the provision and the blessing of God.

Abraham was about to sacrifice his only son whom he loved! Is there anything you hold dearly in your heart above God? Anything or anyone you love above God? The first commandment is this: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. God can at anytime lay a demand on anything He has given you. Let’s remember that our very breath belongs to Him. A life of complete obedience to God is an act of true worship.

Heavenly Father, please give us the grace to walk in complete obedience to you as our act of true worship. Help us to continually remember that you are our source and that we were created by you and for you in Jesus name. Amen.

Go deeper — What was the last instruction you received from God? Don’t delay in obeying. Go ahead and worship God by carrying it out.

Tags: worship