“You only go around once in life, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

I don’t think Frank Sinatra said this intending to point us to Jesus. Frank probably meant that the best objective in life is to grab as much experience, success, and pleasure as you can. But Jesus says that the way to experience the best life is to become His disciple. We are given one lifetime, and what we do in this life determines our eternal life.

I have made the choice to be a disciple of Jesus. But the inclination of my human heart is still to covet the maximum experience, success, and pleasure that life can offer. Knowing this, Jesus will always challenge my heart. He says that the way that to live as His disciple is to deny myself—to let His will take the place of my will; take up my cross daily—surrender to Him no matter what trials I face; and follow Him—pay attention to Jesus’ life and let Him change me to be like Him. I call this doing lIfe right.

Are you pursuing the best possible life by following Jesus and giving Him everything?

Jesus, I choose to follow You as Your disciple. Today, I deny myself, take up my cross, and follow You. I know that following You will enrich my life more than anything this world could ever offer. Amen.

Take Action

Write a declaration of your all-in commitment to Jesus. Put it in a place where you will see it every day and then start each day by speaking that commitment out loud. That way you’ll be reminded to do life right and you’ll be experiencing the abundant life Jesus wants to give you.

Tags: the cost of discipleship abundant life