“Do not neglect your gift....” 1 Timothy 4:14a

God gives us talents to glorify Him, not to keep to ourselves. Many times I hear people say that they can play a musical instrument, and yet they’ve never volunteered to play for the worship service at church. I even heard one person say that their son could play the guitar well, but he never wanted to perform for anyone, so nobody had ever heard him play. He kept his gift to himself.

There are many people out there who use their gifts for themselves alone. Many are too scared to use their talents in front of people, while others feel incredibly inadequate.

I understand those feelings. I get that way every time I go up to play the piano for Sunday morning service. I’m a basket case: nervous, always afraid I will make horrible mistakes. And sometimes, I do. But that shouldn’t drive me away. I’m not perfect. We all make mistakes. In fact, nobody at church notices when I make mistakes. They’re so happy to have a pianist, that they don’t notice my inadequacies.

We can’t always do what we want in life. Sometimes, we need to step outside of our comfort zone to be able to minister to others. I don’t like the stress of playing in front of people, as it makes me so nervous that I make silly mistakes, but I know that God would rather me use my gift rather than hide it.

Perhaps you have a talent you’ve been keeping to yourself. Just think about all the ways you’re missing out on blessing fellow believers!

Dear Lord, help me so I can see where I need to serve, and please give me the ability to get out of my comfort zone to glorify You and serve others. Amen.

Take Action

Think about the talents God has given you. Are you using them to glorify Him, or do you keep them to yourself? Think about which talents can glorify God most by using them to serve others. Then take that next step to share your gift!

Tags: gift stewardship