If you know someone who is hurting, you can direct him or her to a mentor here.

“Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:30-31, (NRSV)

A few years ago, my family experienced a great tragedy. A close friend of my 13-year-old sister was found dead in her bedroom.

She had recently been moved from her school and friends to a new town, was adjusting to life between the homes of her newly divorced parents, and had experienced bullying online and at school. Like most girls her age, she was highly expressive: posted poetic Facebook statuses, artistic selfies, and no doubt hid her pain so well that when she was found to have committed suicide, we were all shocked. To any onlooker, she was a regular teenage girl going through the same things every teenager does.

When I found out, I couldn’t help but wonder: could I have done anything to prevent this? Had anyone told this little girl about the love of our Savior? I became obsessed with talking to my sister about her grief, praying with her, and encouraging her to be honest with those who love her about her joy and her pain.

I want my sister to instinctively wait on the Lord through her pain, to grow strong, to mount up with wings like an eagle. I don’t want to discount the pain and exhaustion that comes with youth.

For those of us who have experienced this kind of tragedy, there is no use dwelling on what might have been, but we can move forward by waiting on the Lord to renew our own strength, by hoping in His unending mercies. 

Lord, You are the source of our strength. Your mercy doesn’t waver, and You never fail to tend to the brokenhearted when they cry out to You. Thank You for being our rock and our salvation. Let us be stepping-stones to Your heart for those who suffer from loneliness and depression. When life seems to be too much, help us to know and to share that You are with each of us, and that You have already overcome every trial for us. In Your precious name, amen.

Take Action 

Innumerable teens suffer from depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts daily and many of them turn to the Internet to deal with their pain. TMM.io offers free, confidential, online mentoring to many who struggle with those issues and we always need more volunteers who are willing to specialize in youth and crisis mentoring. You have more experience than you know. Become a mentor today and you could join God in changing – and perhaps even saving – a life. 

How have you experienced the hope God brings? Is there someone in your life who could benefit from the life-changing message of Christ?

Tags: Hope grief