My son, a paratrooper in the U.S. Army, is a disciplined young man who sacrificially serves his country. While I am proud of my son’s accomplishments, and I love him simply because he is my son, there is another reason he is important to me. He carries my name. Each day as he performs his hazardous job, there is a possibility that we might receive a phone call saying he has been injured… or worse. And with that young man, our family name would pass because he is my only son.

So I relate to Abraham when God told him to take his promised son and kill him. How many questions must have run through the old man’s mind as he trudged up the mountain with his only son by his side? But he never doubted his God. And when Isaac asked where the lamb was for the sacrifice, Abraham confidently replied, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son” (Genesis 22:8).

You see, after walking with God for decades, Abraham’s faith was firm. He knew his God was true and kept His promise. And in the end, his faith was not misplaced. God provided the sacrifice, and Isaac was spared.

What mountain is God asking you to climb today? Does it seem He is asking too much? Does it make no earthly sense? May we, like Abraham, learn to trust our Father who always knows what’s best and who never lets us go!

Father God, you know how often I doubt your goodness. I think I know what’s best for me, and I make such a mess of things when I trust me instead of you! Forgive me. Give me the faith of Abraham who “believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness” (Romans 4:3). In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Go Deeper — Are there areas of your life that you have not fully given to God, trusting that He knows best and will lovingly give you all you really need? Take time in prayer today and offer those things or people to Him. Then rest in “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).

Read Further — Do you push Jesus away at times or take the chance to invite Him fully into your life? Please Disturb Me, Jesus

Tags: The Patriarchs Hebrews 11
Photo Credit: Bailey Hall