Blamelessness sounds difficult to achieve. You’re correct if that’s what you’re thinking. That’s because no one is flawless. Yet, there is a solution God has made available to us.

This verse shows God will keep us strong and blameless because he knows it’s something we can’t achieve on our own unless he helps us. Once we accept Jesus and confess our sins, he forgives us. We are then acquitted and become clean. All we do is confess, believe, and receive. Then we become a new creature in Christ so we can be right when we stand before God.

Don’t take our righteousness in Christ lightly, though. It’s not because we deserve this. It’s all about what Christ did to make us acceptable before God. By God’s grace, through our faith, we stand before God innocent as if we never sinned because we believe Jesus gave his life for us.

What’s even better is that we have a promise that God will keep us strong in faith until the end. So, stay connected with God.

However, this is not a reason for pride but humility. It cost Christ his life to impart righteousness to you and me. It doesn’t depend on what you do and not do, but his grace should not be taken for granted. Rejoice, but also repent when you fall short.

So, follow and trust him until the very end. He will keep your spirit strong.

Father God, I am so grateful that I can stand before you as righteous because of what Jesus did for me. Thank you for keeping me strong till the very end of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Go Deeper — If you are not certain that you have his righteousness, talk to one of our free, confidential online mentors. If you are sure, but you think you have wobbled a bit in your faith-strength, take time out today to confess that to the Lord and make a vow to stay better connected to him on a daily basis.

Read Further — Do you wonder if you’re truly saved?

Tags: 1 & 2 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 1
Photo Credit: Helo I'm Nik