Does your house get messy? Mine does, and I don’t think there is any human in the world whose house wasn’t dirty at one time or another. Life happens, schedules get packed, things get left around, and odds and ends are stacked around in piles you promise yourself you’ll get to when there is time.

Today's key verse tells us that Christ is as faithful as a son over God’s house, and guess what? We are his house. Just like our physical homes get messy over time and cluttered with things we need to address, our spiritual hearts can get messy with the world’s clutter. Our hearts are God’s home and we should keep it clean.

Is your heart messy? Do you have things you’ve collected over the years from the world and brought inside? Do you shove things in corners and promise yourself you’ll get to them later, only for later to never come?

It didn’t hit me until I read this verse how stunning it is that out of all places, God chose to make his home in us. Imagining him standing in the halls of my heart humbled me and made me reflect differently on my life. What are some things of the world I am holding onto and making it hard for him to dwell in and reflect his glory in my life?

Throughout This Day: I encourage you to pray, dear Christian, and ask the Lord to reveal the things in your heart that need to be cleaned. Just like how we need to clean our homes once a week, our spiritual home needs to be edified as well.

Tags: Hebrews Hebrews 3 heart