The word “servant” is a translation of the Greek word doulos, which means “a slave or a bondservant, someone who sets aside all rights of his/her own to serve another.” “Serve” appears approximately 309 times throughout the books of the Bible. Billy Graham stated, “The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service.” True greatness is achieved through service, and it is through serving that we learn to live like Christ.

Over the thirty-eight years I have been a Christian, God has placed people in my life that have illustrated true servanthood. It is incredibly encouraging and refreshing to be able to learn from these believers who seek God’s will in all things. These great men and women of God wholeheartedly know who is King and, as servants, they put into practice all that they learn about pleasing God. These spiritual giants serve God by loving others, investing in people, teaching them by example, and truly living out the Bible in their everyday lives before others.

Some of us pray, “God, use me” and are very excited to serve God and others, but then our focus changes and our enthusiasm and energy run out of fuel. Why? In the world we live, we are told it is “all about me.” People who act this way often make the rest of us feel unappreciated or used.

It is imperative that our intentions be outwardly focused and others-driven. We must remember the promise in 2 Chronicles 15:7, ”Take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.”

Father, help me to deny myself and to serve others. Help me to come alongside others and help them to live their lives pleasing and acceptable before you. I am thankful that I do not have to depend upon my own resources to accomplish your call as a servant. Amen.

Go Deeper — Having what is called a “servitude attitude” is rarer today, but anyone who is successful in the service industry will tell you it is worth putting into practice. How can you better serve others through your attitudes and actions today? See if doing so makes a difference in your day.

Tags: The Gospel of Mark Mark 10
Photo Credit: Hakan Hu