At about 10 o’clock every morning, I get antsy. My stomach starts growling for something more substantial than coffee. I get frustrated, and then quickly become unbearably tired. I get pretty irritated until I remember the rice cakes in my desk.

When I find myself in trying situations, I tend to panic. I read a book or turn on my music in an attempt to distract from the ache inside. I get cranky and snap at people until I succumb to exhaustion. Indifference sounds better than the peace I initially was longing for.

In my life, I have often forgotten that Jesus is waiting for me to come to Him, to ask Him to satisfy my hunger: to give me life. Jesus promises that we who come to Him will never hunger. When our stomachs growl, we know we need food: why is it so difficult to remember Him as our bread of life when our spirits are empty?

God has given us a beautiful way to understand our need for Him by blessing us with the experience of hunger. Have you felt this ache? Do you seek Jesus as your daily bread?

Lord Jesus, You gave Your body up to become my true food and Your blood to become the true drink to sustain me as I try to live the abundant life You have called me to. Help me to remember that You are the only one who can satisfy the ache in my heart. Every day, let me come to You for my daily bread, meeting You in Your word and resting in Your love. Amen.

Take Action

Today, delay one of your meals or hold off on that afternoon snack. When hunger hits you, read your Bible and pray for a few minutes. Then say a prayer for those who go without the nourishment that comes with knowledge of the living God. Ask God to show you a friend who craves something more in life and tell him or her about the one who sustains you.

Learn how to respond to your neighbor's hunger.

Tags: fasting