On the way to the airport, I prayed aloud, “Jesus, hold us when we can’t hold each other.” Tears began to fall as Peter grabbed my suitcase from the trunk and handed it to me. He gave me a hug, but all too soon it was time to go. I had a flight to catch.

I cried all the way through security. It had been such a precious week of spending time together after being long distance for so long. To be able to share the joys and grief of life together, to be present together.

But then, the day after I got back home, something happened. Something really hard. And more than ever, I longed to just be held by someone safe who cared about me. We are created for human connection.

Yet even more than human connection, we are created for divine connection with our Creator. We are created for intimate relationships with our God. When there is no one to hold us, Jesus is there to hold us in every moment. He does not sleep (Psalm 121:3-4) and is not limited by distance (Psalm 62:8). He holds us!

Humans are human. I am human, Peter is human. But I will cast myself onto Jesus and I will surrender Peter to God too. I will trust God to hold me and to hold Peter, and everyone else I care about.

Today, I want to encourage you to join me. I know there is hurt and pain, loneliness and longing. But my friend, you are not alone. Far from it! Jesus holds me, he holds your loved ones, and he holds you. No matter the circumstance.

Lord, thank you that you are not limited by time or distance. I ask that you hold me in my grief and my hurt and my joys today. And I surrender my friend to you. Please wrap them in your arms of love today, that they may have no doubt of your presence. Amen.

Throughout this Day: Listen and reflect on the lyrics of this song "He Will Hold Me Fast


Tags: Daily Devotional Psalm 139
Photo Credit: Neil Thomas on Unsplash