“Every morning, I go by myself, throw rocks in the river, cry, and pour my heart out to God. But I still felt stuck and afraid and angry.”

“Okay, and what did God say?” My friend asked, waiting for my response. I scrambled for words, but couldn’t find any. “Pouring out your heart is good, Sara, but you also have to stop and let God respond.”

A man I heard speak ten years ago comes to mind. He was a hundred and one, and after his entire lifetime, there was one simple piece of advice he repeated all weekend. “Listen to the whispers of Jesus.” After everything he had walked through with God, that was his main message.

I want to do better at that. Today’s verse is one that I’ve heard a lot — you probably have too. But reading it in context this morning, something struck me. The rest of Psalm 46 is about earthquakes, rough seas, nations in uproar, and desolation. Sound familiar? 

And yet, we are commanded to be still. To trust God and find shelter in him because he is in control of it all. My life is pretty messy right now. I find myself on my knees in tears every day, unable to bear it. Maybe you can relate.

But today, this week, let’s be still and know that he is God. Let’s bask in the knowledge that he is both good and in complete control. Right now, let’s give ourselves space and time to listen to the whispers of Jesus.

Lord, thank you that I am never alone. I give you all the mess in my heart today — my fear and anger and hurt. Please speak truth to me. I am choosing to listen and be still. I love you.

Throughout This Day: Take the time to actively remind yourself of who God is and invite him to change your perspective on your circumstances, just as the psalmist did.

Tags: Daily Devotional Psalm 46
Photo Credit: Travis Koenig on Unsplash