“Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands.” Psalm 119:73

God made us in His image, but He also gave us the freedom to choose whether to follow Him or follow the world. He has given us a manual: the Bible. Our attitudes and actions should be shaped by the truth it contains. More than anything else, it’s essential that we take the Maker's manual seriously.

God's Word is righteous, as it reflects His character. It teaches us to be like Him and helps us walk in His ways. We should develop the habit of meditating on God's Word so that we can know His character and His will for us.

When we read the Bible and understand it, light comes into our minds and hearts, shaping our perspective to be more like His. As we do this more and more, we learn to delight in this process. Reading the Bible moves from being a religious chore to a holy pleasure.

This experience leads to two further key actions: trust and obedience. We learn to trust God's Word above anything else, and then we do what it says. Its directions are sure and certain.

The godly habit of reading and meditating, understanding, delighting, trusting and obeying is how we should rightly handle His Word. This will bring untold blessings, as we understand His purposes in creation and are guided by His truth and presence.

Holy Lord, I thank You for Your wonderful gift of the Scriptures. May I read Your Word and learn from it, but above all else, may I endeavor to obey its teachings. Amen.

Take Action

Meditation, understanding, delight, trust, obedience — which of these is difficult for you? Focus on how God’s Word teaches you to live out His creation to the fullest.