There have been stories in the news of people falling off cliffs while trying to take a selfie. What motivates a person to put their life at risk for the sake of a picture? “It’s not very smart,” I said to my son. He responded more bluntly, “Dad, they’re idiots.”

It’s tempting to agree with his diagnosis, but the truth is that very smart people can do very dumb things. The problem isn’t always lack of brain power. It’s lack of wisely assessing risk against reward, prioritizing short term pleasure over long term gain, failing to understand the realities of a situation. We have all made these mistakes.

There is another pattern in life called “wisdom” which is exactly the opposite. Wisdom often comes from experience. We do something foolish, suffer the consequences, and resolve not to make the same mistake again.

There is an even better way to gain wisdom. We can ask God, who has infinite knowledge and wisdom. He is never confused, never deceived, never mistaken. He tells us to ask, and he will give us the wisdom we need.

A very smart person who ignores God’s commands and warnings becomes a fool. It’s the spiritual equivalent of falling off a cliff trying to take a selfie. That’s the most foolish thing a person can do.

Following God, however, “makes wise the simple” and “revives the soul” (Psalm 19:7). I want to live that way. Don’t you?

God, I want to live according to your wisdom, following your ways. Guide me today, Lord. Share your great wisdom with me so that I can walk a straight path. Amen.

Go Deeper — Take an honest inventory of your decision-making today. Is there any area of your life for which you are not seeking God’s wisdom?

Read Further — Do you need help on how to listen to God better?

Tags: God's Attributes James 1
Photo Credit: Lukas