“The Lord gives strength to those who are weary. Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall. But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.” Isaiah 40:31 (CEV)

Summer has arrived. BBQ smoke is waffling from yard to yard and open windows are letting in the sound of birds singing and neighbors chatting. This is usually the time of year for some much needed R&R. But due to circumstances, this may not fit into your schedule. As co-workers stand around the water cooler and talk about their getaways, you may be burdened with financial obligations and a work schedule that make it impossible to pack your suitcase.

Isaiah understood how weariness drains our soul and physical being. The Israelites were weary and worn out. Ten of the tribes had been captured by the Assyrian Empire. It was not vacation time. Isaiah helped them to re-focus and take pause. I can imagine standing beside Isaiah encouraging me to tilt my head and look upward, “Do you see that eagle? Who gave it wings? Who’s wind is it riding? You need not strive. Rest in the grace and power of your Creator.”

Summer is the perfect time to look upward. When we get weary and tired, a getaway may not be feasible, but we can look up to refresh our spirit. As we gaze trustingly at God, He will renew our strength like the eagles.

Spending time in God’s word, admiring His amazing creation, and taking moments to listen to His voice always brings me back to a place of renewed strength. Whatever your summer holds, take time to look upward and ask God to renew your soul.

God our Creator, thank You for renewing us when we take the time to be intimate with You. Please renew our strength today. Give us strength like an eagle even if this Summer proves challenging. In Jesus name, Amen.

Take Action

Don’t hold on to your summer burdens. Get outside and take in the wonders of God’s creation. And as you do, release your worries and fears to Him. He promises to renew you and give you strength.

Do you need help releasing your summer burden to God? Connect with a coach for prayer.

Tags: restoration