Purseless. Phoneless. ID-less. That’s how I suddenly found myself the Saturday of Easter weekend.

My husband, daughter, son-in-law, and I were in high spirits as we locked the car and started walking along a hiking trail not far from our home. But when we returned from our walk, the window on the driver’s side had been smashed and my purse stolen. In less than 45 minutes someone had brazenly grabbed the opportune time to wreak havoc on our pleasant day. I was left with a bucket load of loose ends. It was the weekend I had wanted to focus on the cross. On the power of Redemption. I almost missed it.

Until I realized it was actually a quite fitting time to experience broken glass and stolen identification. Wasn’t this exactly the season when we celebrate the one who repairs all our shattered windows and restores identities once lost to sin?

When Jesus spoke to his disciples in the Upper Room, he knew they were about to face their own bucket load of loose ends. His coming crucifixion did not fit their expectations. Uncertainty would hang over them. What now? Why? This doesn’t make sense.

Jesus prepared them — as he prepares us — by promising peace in the midst of life when it seems to be unraveling. His peace, He said, isn’t like the world’s peace ― a peace dependent on circumstances. His peace surpasses all circumstances, all disappointments, and all anxious thoughts. Indeed, he offers peace no matter how fraid those loose ends of life become.

Father, thank you for sustaining us when life becomes uncertain. Help us not refuse the peace you are offering. Amen.

Go Deeper — This Easter season, choose to lay at the cross all the “loose ends” in your life and then pick up the peace of the Lord.

Tags: Peace John 14