“Don’t be a Martha.” Have you ever heard that phrase? It comes from a story in Luke 10 where Jesus is visiting Martha and her sister Mary in their home. Mary sits at Jesus’ feet listening to him talk. Martha is busy working.

Martha tries to recruit Jesus to her side by telling Him to tell Mary to get up and help her. Jesus responds by scolding Martha a little. He tells Martha to stop worrying. Mary has made a better choice to simply be with Jesus while he is still among them. (Luke 10:42)

This story certainly puts Martha in a negative light, especially since the correction comes directly from the Lord himself. She may have been temporarily focused on the wrong things.

But in John 11:27, Martha makes a confession that shows she knew exactly who Jesus was and what He came to do.

Christianity is sometimes referred to as The Great Confession, meaning Christians say the same thing God is saying. In this passage, Martha refers to Jesus as The Teacher. She had listened to his words and believed what He told her. We know this by her confession.

I’m inclined to put Martha in a more positive light apart from her busyness. This first-century woman, whom Jesus had elevated to the status of a student, listened and believed that He was the Messiah.

May we all come to the same confession as Martha.

Father, may my focus be in the right place today. If busyness is a distraction for me, slow me down and help me see and hear you today.

For Today: Take some time today to quiet your mind and read John 11 where Jesus confronts the death of his friend Lazarus. What would have been your confession if you had been there? https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2011&version=NIV

Tags: John 11 Luke 10