He’s so much more than a Father. He’s my Daddy. When I think about the day God spoke into my life and saved me, and about all the blessings He’s brought to my life since then, there have often been times I wanted to write a letter to Him. I wanted to express how much He means to me. Here is just some of what I would say:

“Yours are the arms that hold me when I’m lonely. Yours is the hand I take when I’m scared. Yours is the heart I call out to, knowing you love me for me, without limit. I love you, Daddy.”

The Lord’s Prayer is a believer’s declaration to God — of praise and honor to a loving Father from His children. While praying and meditating on it, I delight in the many and awesome promises it holds – provision, forgiveness, protection, and goodness, to name a few. It is packed with a richness that energizes my spirit.

It’s marvelous to know that something Jesus taught His disciples over 2000 years ago is still embraced in the church today, yet it can be as personal to us as it was to the disciples when they first learned to pray it.

As believers, we can stand firm on the unchanging truths in the Lord’s Prayer and receive them from a God who is so much more than a Father. That is something we can be assured of whenever we pray it.

Thank you, heavenly Father, for this prayer of declaration as first taught by your Son, Jesus. May we never take the power of this prayer for granted or let it grow cold in our hearts. Bring a refreshing to our spirit each time we speak or sing your prayer. In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen.

Go Deeper – Find a quiet place and slowly recite the Lord’s Prayer. Take a moment after each sentence to soak in the magnitude of each word and how it relates to your personal faith journey with God.

Read Further — Perhaps your dad wasn’t the best father? Read Why do we call God “Father” anyway?

Tags: The Lord's Prayer Matthew 7
Photo Credit: Kate Remmer