Aged and weary, Simeon expectantly waited for the promised Messiah. The Holy Spirit had revealed to him he should not see death before he had seen the Savior. Yet, another day of devout service drifted by while the fulfillment of the promise was yet to come.

Then, being led by the Spirit into the temple, a sense of expectancy suddenly overwhelmed Simeon. He contemplated, “Will the long awaited Savior will be revealed today?” The shuffling of feet, the cooing of a pair of turtle doves and two young pigeons, and the whimpering of an infant held lovingly against his mother’s breast abruptly interrupted his thoughts.

Peering around the corner, he caught his first glimpse of the baby nestled in swaddling clothes. Afraid to hope, but unable to stifle his enthusiasm, he eagerly approached the young child. Listening intently, he heard the words that ended his wait. Joseph and Mary had brought Jesus to be circumcised, in accordance with the Law of Moses.

Simeon immediately perceived that this child was the fulfillment of the promised Messiah. His persistent waiting brought him to this moment of unshakable peace in a God that cannot lie. Simeon took the infant Jesus up in his arms. His face must have glowed with unspeakable joy as his eyes beheld the Savior.

This Christmas season let us give thanks for the greatest gift ever given. And let us look with expectancy for Jesus’ second coming as Simeon did for his first coming.

Father, thank you for the greatest gift ever given. May we cherish your Son every day and especially this time of year when we celebrate his birth. May our hearts be filled with expectancy as we await his second coming. May we use our days wisely to share the gospel with those who have not yet received Jesus as savior. Amen.

Go Deeper — Read the Song of Simeon and imagine the tone of his voice after receiving God’s promise fulfilled. Thank God for this amazing gift in your life.

Tags: Best Gift Ever Luke 2
Photo Credit: Mel Poole