The Lord acts. His words and actions reveal His heart, especially for the oppressed, the prisoners, strangers in the land, and those who find themselves without fathers or spouses. He upholds, gives food, sets free, gives sight, lifts up, and loves. He watches over and sustain. He acts.

As Jesus’ followers, we’re His hands and feet in a hurting world. He expects us to act. We can ponder the hopelessness of sitting in an institution or we can visit those in long term care or in prisons. We can philosophize over the plight of addicts or we can help them find freedom. We can watch the news and pray for those moving around the globe after a devastation they have witnessed or we can welcome them to their new home and help them belong in a new community. We can wonder about the pain widows find themselves in or we can help create healing communities.

The needs of others are sometimes overwhelming, and we can feel that our small efforts are a waste of time. However, ultimately the Lord is the One who acts through us. If we are attentive, and then act on His invitation to join Him in reaching out to those in distress, then our actions can actually transform lives. Our efforts can express His love, and be an invitation to others to consider a relationship with Him.

Ask the Lord to send you. He knows what actions are yours to take.

Father God, thank you for all the action you take. Thank you for answering prayer, for how you comfort, lift burdens, help and deliver. Lead us, Holy Spirit, to want to act according to your good pleasure. May our actions reflect you and bring glory to your name. Amen.

Go Deeper — Consider volunteering in your area, using your talents and skills, be it something like cooking, sewing, compassionate listening, organizing things, or physical labor. Do a search for non-profits in your community or go to

Read Further — see what Rick Warren says about serving God by serving others.

Tags: Active Faith Psalm 146
Photo Credit: Patrick Fore