Are you a news junkie? I regularly tune in to hear the latest breaking news. Often, my heart heaves from the chaos of catastrophic events or the vicious vendetta against our foundational societal values. Amid the perceived pandemonium, a voice within transcends the confusion — shaking my slumbering stupor to remind me that our world desperately needs to hear good news.

In Luke 4, Jesus reiterated His mission mandate to proclaim the liberating news to society’s poor, oppressed, captive, and blind. Undeterred by consequence or conflict, He boldly and freely declared His divine mission. He concluded by emphasizing that the “year of the Lord’s favor” had come.

We live in a world oppressed by sin — a world desperately crying for a savior. How will they know unless we tell them? In these tumultuous times, people, more than ever, need to hear Jesus’ liberation proclamation. His message is urgent. Our time is short.

As Jesus’ followers who freely receive, we should freely give. Individually and collectively, His mission becomes our mission. We are the custodians of Jesus’ liberation message, yet we so often neglect our call of duty.

We cannot allow complacency or indifference to silence us. He calls us to freely act on His behalf and in His name. He calls us to be His hands, feet, and voice among society’s broken and marginalized people groups within our sphere of influence so we can share His good news and boldly proclaim liberty to those who have ears to hear.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you, Lord, for sending Jesus' to set me free. As a redeemed child, empower me to be your hands, feet, and voice. Open opportunities for me to intentionally and faithfully act on your behalf by sharing your liberty message with those you bring into my life for Your glory. In Jesus name, amen.

Throughout This Day: — Ask the Lord for wisdom on how to overcome anything that hinders you from sharing and reflecting Jesus.

Tags: Freedom Luke 4 redemption cheerful giver
Photo Credit: Annie Theby