“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

In just a few days, my son will be moving into his dorm room for his first year of college.

It seems like just yesterday when I walked him into his kindergarten classroom for the first time. It’s an exciting time for my son, but I’ll be honest, there have been days when fear has tried to creep into my heart. I worry about his future and his life as a young adult.

When our children reach pivotal moments in their lives, it can cause us to doubt and question the effectiveness of our parenting. Have I been a good mother? Did I really do my best? Have I taught him how to make the right decisions? These kind of questions plague our minds.

Proverbs 22:6 says that we should train our children… but it doesn’t say we are required to be perfect parents. Nor does it mean our children will always make the best decisions.

The word train is derived from the Greek word paideia, which means to disciple or to instruct someone to reach their full development or potential. The truth Solomon shares with us in the Scripture refers to our responsibility in disciplining our children, teaching them to walk with Christ. And no matter what happens, we are to remain with Him.

We desire the absolute best for our children, but we know they will not reach their full potential unless they walk with and remain with Christ. You may have not been a perfect parent and they’re going to make mistakes. But if they remain with Christ, take comfort in knowing this: you did well, and they will too!

Lord, as our children embark on pivotal moments in their lives, help us to trust You and Your plans for them. Lord, may You lead, guide, and direct them as they continue to walk with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Take Action

If you have children, pray for them today. Thank God for blessing you with them, and ask Him to guide them and give them wisdom to make wise decisions. If your children are walking with God, thank Him for their faith, and ask the Holy Spirit to continue to draw them closer to Himself. If they aren't, pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal Christ to them, and that they would turn to Him for answers and direction. If you don't have kids, you probably know some young people who could use prayer, too!

Tags: children