Have you ever personally experienced a hurricane? Literally, been in the eye of a storm?

Last September, I did. After moving to southwest Florida, all the local natives assured me that every hurricane from years past had made its way around the Gulf Coast without any damage. Then Irma came.

My husband and I followed the daily weather reports, and assured our extended family that we would be safe. As the days passed and the storm progressed to a Category 5, we took precautions. Since we weren’t in a mandatory evacuation zone, we purchased water and canned goods, looked (without success) for gas to fill up our cars, put up hurricane shutters on doors and windows, and rode out the storm. We prayed, trusting God to protect us as the winds howled and the rain pounded for hours that night. When we awoke, the sun shone brightly. Even though we had tree and wind damage in our neighborhood, our home remained secure. All was well.

The Psalmist reminds us that no matter what storm we are facing, literally or spiritually, God is our ultimate protector. We can run to Him with our fears, our concerns, and our recovery plan. He is our faithful fortress.

What storms are you facing? A devastating diagnosis? An unfaithful spouse? A prodigal child? A new job or relocation where you know no one? No matter the situation, you can run and hover under the wings of refuge, your protection from every obstacle you face.

Sovereign God, I thank you that I can trust you in all aspects of my life, whether I’m in the midst of a storm or I’m resting in your peace. I praise you for being the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Amen.

Go deeper — Meditate on the most difficult moments of your life thus far. What were your fears? What held you together? What scripture verses gave you a peace that passed understanding? Think about ways you can apply that to the storms you or someone you know are facing today.

Read Further — Find peace in your storm.

Tags: Psalms Psalm 91
Photo Credit: Echo Grid