February, for many in my home country, is a month associated with love. While romantic love receives most of the attention during this month, it has me reflecting on whom (and what) I love most. The situations of life have a way of revealing what I love by how I respond and what I choose to defend. 

We have just come out of an unusual political season and our country is hurting. I think every country is hurting in some way following a difficult 2020 whether or not the political climate played a significant role. What has been most difficult to realize in my own heart is that this season has served to reveal that I love my rights more than I love my neighbor. Am I willing to serve my neighbor? Of course — as long as my rights remain fully intact.

Don’t get me wrong, I think rights are important. In fact, I’ve greatly benefitted from the rights I have been granted. The problem lies not in the rights themselves but in my priorities. I have learned to ensure I am fully comfortable with my life before even thinking about my neighbors, let alone helping them. When I look at Jesus, I see the opposite. The verse prior to the one cited above reads, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.” I long for a love like this. Not a love of rights, but a right love through Jesus Christ.

Jesus, the life you lived on earth was characterized by elevating the rights and the status of others far above yourself; culminating with your death for our sins that grants us the right to be in the presence of God. Make my life a reflection of yours as I interact with those around me.

Throughout This Day: Seek to love those around you as you would want to be loved were you in their shoes.

Tags: Daily Devotional 1 John 3
Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash