We've all got issues.

"But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides." Matthew 6:33 AMP

While reading Beauty for Ashes by Joyce Meyer, the above scripture stood out to me in a new light. Immediately, I began to cry. The Lord began to speak to me about letting go of unhealthy attachments. One of my greatest challenges was eating for comfort. Food is always easily accessible and it helps to soothe the pain for a moment.  Letting go of that comfort scared me, because now I had to learn new coping skills.  I must admit, when I began the process I felt weak and helpless, but the more I looked to Him, I found strength to endure.

It is amazing, we all seek solace from outward things, ignoring the fact that our answer is in the Lord alone. The Lord longs to set us free. In order to obtain that freedom, we must first make some exchanges: His love and acceptance for our fear and rejection; His healing for our brokenness; His peace for our chaos and His joy for our sadness. Temporary healing is not the Lord’s desire for us. He yearns for His children to be satisfied totally.  Make a choice to turn to the Lord today. When you reach out to Him, you will find that He is a healer.  He can mend your brokenness and minister to the deep rooted wounds.  He can be trusted with your inner issues. Run to Him today and allow your healing to begin. He awaits you. Softly and gently Jesus is calling. Will you come?

Father, teach us to rest in you when we are hurting, it is in you we will find the comfort and the answers we need.  In Jesus' name, amen.

Take Action 

Take a moment today and write a letter to the Lord about your inner struggle. As you write, ask Him to give you the grace to heal and move forward.

What is it that you chase after to help ease your pain?

Tags: restored healing addiction