My wife and I enjoy modeling our walk with Jesus for our six-year-old grandson.

One way has been praying before meals. When he was a toddler, this prompted giggles because he found it odd that we held hands and closed our eyes. We did not expect him to understand the reasons why, but as he matured, we explained.

“We pray before eating to show our thanks to God for the food.”

“We pray to show our gratitude for you and your mom and dad.”

Over time, and many meals together, he has come to expect us to give thanks for our food and much more.

This past summer we took a picnic lunch to a beach with him. We sat in a circle and opened our basket of goodies. With waves lapping the shore, sun shining brightly, and mountains framing the horizon, I declared, “Wow, thank you God for this beautiful day, wonderful place, and delicious lunch! Amen!”

And my grandson responded, “That was short!”

I made a quick defense of my short prayer by noting that it was my thankful heart that counted, not the length of my prayer. On reflection, however, I realized that our grandson had every right to expect a ritualized routine: sit at a table, hold hands, bow heads, give thanks. The beach-side prayer broke too many rules!

My hope moving forward is that we can show him our gratitude to God at unexpected times, in uncommon places. As Paul writes, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

These verses encourage me to show my thankful heart at the beach, on a walk, while driving to school, in challenging situations, in happy times and sad. I would hope that my heart is genuinely thankful to God for all his provision, protection, and peace as I continue to seek after Him and witness my journey to my grandkids and others.

How do you show a grateful heart? Does it bubble up throughout the day in prayers long and short, routine and freshly spontaneous? Can we think outside the kitchen with new expressions of gratitude?

Dear God, we have so much for which to be thankful. Thank you! Help us to show our gratitude routinely and uniquely throughout our day as a witness to your faithfulness. May others around us – young and old – know the joy in our hearts for your presence and love. May we break from ritualized routines to rejoice always, giving thanks in every situation.

Throughout This Day: Today thank God for something you normally do not. Make an effort to let others know that you found joy and gratitude in that situation.

Tags: Daily Devotional 1 Thessalonians 5
Photo Credit: Ashton Bingham on Unsplash