“So Jesus answered and said to him, ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’” Mark 10:51

The blind man called out to Jesus and Jesus heard him. He stopped and asked him to identify specifically what He wanted Jesus to do for him. His sight was his request and Jesus healed him.

When we come to Jesus with vague requests to ask for “blessing” or “help,” our faith is not actioned in the same way as when we come believing Him for a specific request.

Having faith that God will hear and answer us, and that He has our very best interest at heart, gives us calm assurance as we bring our specific requests to Him.

We cannot always know if what we are asking for is the best for us, yet we can always thank Him that He can be trusted to work the circumstances of our lives out for our good and for His glory. He will guide our steps.

Father God, today I thank You that You know every detail of my life. I bring my specific need of __________________ to You right now. I ask that You would give me Your wisdom as I navigate these circumstances. As I envision You asking me, “What do you want Me to do for you?” I specifically ask You _____________________________________________________________.

Lord God, I trust You to work on my behalf. I thank You that Your Word promises You will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go. Thank You that You will guide me. I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.

Take Action

Spend some time today asking God to give You wisdom and to increase your faith as you bring your specific needs to Him. Ask for prayer below, or talk with a mentor.

Tags: Prayer