“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

We hear people say it, but what exactly is “the Gospel truth?” The word gospel is a revision of an old Anglo-Saxon word Gôd-spell, which means “good news.” You may have seen or listened to the Stephen Schwartz musical by that name.

The Good News is a term for the account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, and has been used as far back as Paul’s letters. What is this news that is so “good” to hear? Basically, it is John 3:16-17. Jesus Christ came into the world not to condemn but to bring those who believe in Him as Savior the gift of everlasting life and to restore a proper relationship with God that had been broken by Adam and Eve’s sin.

For me, the fact that God and good are the same English root word is significant. Throughout Scripture we read that God is good. In Genesis, when God created everything, including humans, He said it was good. All comes from Him and has purpose through Him. That means me, even at my worse.

His grace and mercy can make “good” out of my mess. And despite the evil in this fallen world, all things will work for good if I trust in Christ. No matter what tragedies or sorrows I face, if I give them to God, He will purpose them for goodness. (Romans 8:28)

And what’s more, by accepting these facts, I am His…for good. Nothing can snatch me from His nail-scarred hands. And that’s the Gospel truth.

Dearest Lord Jesus, thank You that through You there is Good News. Help me to always look to that Gospel Truth, especially during those moments when my human nature wants to turn to despair or worry. Amen.

Take Action

For this next week, keep a log of the good things God has brought you. Write down Romans 8:28 on the same paper and place it in a drawer so when you feel surrounded by “bad” you can recall the Gospel Truth – the good news that Jesus lived, died and eternally lives for you.

Share the good news today.

Tags: gospel