When I read this verse recently, I was struck by the fact that Paul could have written this today. How many of you know people who seemingly have split personalities — people who endlessly post controversial comments on social media, arguing forcefully for a certain position, reposting similar ideas — while in person they rarely say a word? Maybe that even describes you!

I had a conversation with such a person in the past year, asking him what he hoped to accomplish with his frequent negative posts. In person, however, my fellow Christian was not nearly as forceful.

Paul continues this discussion in 2 Corinthians 10 by emphasizing that our battle is not against this world. In verse 3 he writes, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does” (2 Corinthians 10:3). That begs the question — how does the world wage war? In the internet age, war is waged with words. The louder I shout, and the more frequently I make my argument, the more effective I believe I will be.

That’s not how Jesus got his point across, though. He seemed to be most comfortable having intimate, gentle, direct conversations with his disciples and people he encountered throughout the day. His interactions brought about change, both immediate and lasting.

Oh God, fill me with a desire to engage with people in gentle, loving ways that allow you to speak through me. Holy spirit, help me to see that you are not calling me to speak about things that don’t draw people to you.

Throughout This Day: Before you post something today, ask yourself if your readers will be pointed to Jesus.

Tags: Daily Devotional 2 Corinthians 10
Photo Credit: Blake Wisz on Unsplash