“Lord, please give me freedom,” I begged as tears fell down my face. Lately, I’ve been struggling a lot with fear, guilt, and anger. It’s not pretty, but I suspect I’m not the only one.

Christmastime is supposed to be a time of joy, laughter, and peace, but for a lot of us, it can be a time of grief, fear, and other overwhelming emotions.

So here I am, begging for freedom from the torrent of confusing emotions. I want peace. Yet in chaos, confusion, and pain, how am I supposed to have peace?

Then I read what an author named Holley Gerth said. The battle isn’t totally up to me. God’s heavenly armies are there to help fight on my behalf.

Peace is actually not that elusive, as I have learned. Hard to hold on to sometimes, but not complicated. The reason we can have peace is because God is with us. That’s what Christmas is about — Jesus coming down to earth, taking human form, and being with us.

So as you fight the fear or grief or anger, remember that you do not fight alone. God will strengthen, help, and hold you. You have to just let him.

You are not alone in your questions, struggles, and pain. You can have peace and courage through them because God is on your side. He is bigger than it all, and in him you are already on the victorious side because Jesus has already overcome the world (John 16:33).

Lord Jesus, thank you for coming down to earth and for never leaving me on my own. Thank you for fighting for me, and thank you that you are stronger than my biggest struggle. Help me to trust you, and please give me your peace that surpasses my understanding. I pray this in your name, amen.

Go Deeper — List your struggles and pains this holiday season. Beside each one, go back and write in “But with God’s help I can overcome.” If the gloom creeps back in, read what you have written again.

Read Further — Peace on earth is more than a pipe dream. Here is how you can achieve it.

Tags: Peace Isaiah 43
Photo Credit: Fabrizio Conti