"We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you love? How did it make you feel?

For me, I was angry, resentful and bitter. My heart was shattered. I had so many negative emotions bottled up inside me that I had no desire or strength to express love to others, least of all to the person who hurt me.

Loving others is not always easy. Often, love is about being patient, forgiving others and extending grace when it is undeserved.  It's also about being willing to lay your anger, resentment, and hurt at the cross and welcoming Jesus into your situation with open hands.

Jesus is the source of our strength and ability to love, forgive and extend grace to others.  When we allow Jesus to soften our hearts, we can experience His healing and radical transformation in us.  What once seemed impossible to forgive, becomes possible. Anger and resentment are slowly replaced with compassion, mercy and understanding. There is great joy and freedom in being able to forgive and extend grace to those who have hurt us! 

If you still struggle with forgiveness, go back to the cross. What does the cross mean to you? What are the implications for God forgiving you for your sins? Remember the Father's love for you through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, and the limitless grace that He extends to you every day. Allow yourself to receive God's love, forgiveness and grace so that you, in turn, may reflect His love, forgiveness and grace onto others.

Father God, thank You for loving us and for forgiving us of our sins. Your grace is truly enough! We pray that as we come to receive and grow in our understanding of Your love for us, we will be able to love others more deeply through acts of forgiveness and grace. In doing so, we know we will experience deep peace and joy in You. Thank You for helping us make the impossible, possible! Jesus, in Your Name we pray, amen.

Take Action 

Be prepared to actively forgive someone in person. Prayerfully ask God to show you the people in your life He wants you to forgive, and ask Him to give you the strength to do so. 

What happens when your spouse tells you, “I want out”? Watch Colin and Shelle’s story. Do you know a couple that may benefit from attending a Weekend to Remember conference? It might just change their relationship! Encourage them to register here.