I quickly cleared the desk, walked through the office hallway and flipped off the light as I headed out the back door. The door clicked shut behind me as I looked out onto the path.

A rough dirt utility road ran from the office to “Cowboy Town,” the center of much activity at the camp. I could almost feel the weight of the darkness as I took a few steps from the door. I’d never experienced such darkness.

I was working at a summer camp and I’d been asked to cover for someone in the office. I’d receive a call when the service was done so that I could rejoin the others. No big deal.

It. Was. Dark! I could not see the sliver of moon, if there was one, and no stars either. Clouds filled the sky. I could not even see my hand in front of my face. Yes, I tried!

The camp was approximately thirteen hundred acres, no lights guided my path and I’d not thought to bring a flashlight.

Although I knew there were hundreds of campers and dozens of staff that week, they were “there”, I was “here,” and I felt so alone. I eventually knelt down to find out whether I’d veered off course. Was the dirt path to my left or right?

Suddenly a glimmer of light appeared, and another! I was able to walk with more confidence and breathe a sigh of relief as I neared the others that night. I learned what it was to feel alone in the darkness, and what hope light can bring.

Today’s verse reminds me of the song, O Come O Come Emmanuel, which says:

O come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death’s dark shadows put to flight.

Thank you, God, for coming into our dark world to be with us, and to break through the dark clouds of night. You bring light into our darkness, and then call us to be lights in a dark world. Thank you for that privilege of reflecting your light to those around us! Amen.

Throughout this Day: How Jesus has brought light into your world? You may wish to read Luke 1:78-79, Micah 4:2 and John 8:12.

Tags: The Life Devo John 4