“But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn’t happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently.” (Rom. 8:25, TLB)

One of my favorite old television series is M*A*S*H. Almost in every episode Radar would stop in the middle of doing something, look up, and yell, “Choppers!”

“I don’t hear anything,” someone would respond.           

Radar would answer, “Wait for it!”

Wait for it…something is coming!

It reminds me of Elijah. After Elijah proclaimed to Israel that heaven’s doors would slam shut and no rain would come in punishment for their sins, three and one half dry years passed. Then, as Elijah went to Mount Carmel and bowed his face to the ground, he sent his servant Ahab to look for clouds.

On his seventh try, Ahab came back and said, “I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.” (1 Kings 18:44a NLT)

Sometimes, we pray and pray again, waiting years for an answer. But do we watch expectantly for that answer as Elijah did? Do we watch for the slightest sign of God’s movement? Or do we give up waiting and implement our own action?

Some answers need that wait-for-it attitude. In those waiting times, how do we wait?

Wait for it…expectantly!

Paul told the Romans, “But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn’t happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently.” (Rom. 8:25, TLB) Bow before the Lord as Elijah did and wait for it! Something is coming! How do you wait for God to answer your prayers?

Lord, in those long periods of seemingly no answer to my prayers, may I look up to You and wait expectantly, patiently, and confidently, that I may be blessed in my waiting. In Your name I pray, amen.

Take Action:

Does it feel like God isn’t answering your prayer? Take a look at this: http://powertochange.com/studies/why-doesnt-god-answer-my-prayer/

Tags: await patience