“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

High school cheerleader. Colorado flower child (sort of). “Bleeding-heart liberal.” “Compassionate conservative.” Wife. Stay-at-home Mom. Professional. Born-again Christian. Worst of sinners.

Has anyone ever experienced an identity crisis? Our roles and assessments of ourselves can vary from year to year — and sometimes from day to day. At times I’ve found myself wondering if the “real me” would just please stand up.

I believe the sense of identity and consequent security we long for is discovered not in what we do, but in whose we are. It begins with the deep down awareness that we are God’s child. He, above all else, is our Father. A Father who tells us we belong. We fit in His universe. We are His in our victories, but no less His in our failures. His, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse.  His in sickness. His in health. He has made a place for us in this life as well as the next: “If that were not so, I would have told you...” (John 14:2).

Knowing God is our Father should be the backdrop for everything we face in life. Such outrageous affirmation fills our insecurities and unleashes an identity strong enough to love others lavishly. Just like He does.

He has made us His. Wow!

Thank You Father for not only making us, but for making us Your children. Thank You for offering us a sense of security and identity. And thank You for Your lavishing love.

Take Action

Take some time to intentionally list all the benefits you receive as God’s son or daughter. Then praise Him… lavishly.

Tags: identity