The story of Mary anointing Jesus with expensive perfume is an interesting one. On the surface, the question that Judas asks, focusing on the seeming waste of money that resulted from pouring a year’s worth of money onto Jesus’ feet, is not surprising. Isn’t that a thought that most of us would have too? After all, shouldn’t Christians be good stewards of the resources provided by their Heavenly Father?   Aside from the symbolic nature of Jesus being anointed for death and burial through Mary’s perfume, there is a much deeper idea being promoted in the story. Mary’s actions could have been interpreted differently at the time - even suggestively through the fact that a woman would not typically have her long hair down in public. Here she not only has it down but is using it in an apparently demeaning manner.   That’s not what Jesus is acknowledging when he silences her critics. Jesus is elevating her actions to an act of worship. He is asking those present — mostly males — to leave aside their cultural understandings of how women should be viewed and, instead, respond in wonder at her sacrificial gesture.   The attitudes Jesus demonstrated towards women while he was on earth were revolutionary. While the majority of men in the Roman world would have viewed women as property, Jesus showed tremendous regard for women in every situation.   Whom is God calling you to elevate in your world? Are there groups or races that you generally disregard because society encourages you to hold that view? Jesus routinely shattered stereotypes and prejudices while he was on earth and he hasn’t stopped since.   Jesus, help me to see all people as precious in your sight.   Throughout This Day: Invite to Spirit to make you conscious of any attitude you entertain towards others that is contrary to the Gospel.

Tags: Daily Devotional John 12
Photo Credit: Matt Lamers on Unsplash