If you are like most people, you love your family. You would probably do anything to help them if they were in any kind of trouble. In fact, you would probably give your own life up for them. And you’d do the same for your best friends.

Now I want you to think about something. To give up your life for someone would be admirable, noble, and brave — but very difficult. In fact, only love could manage the task. For Jesus Himself said, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13).

He came with one purpose. He came to die and give up His life for His lost sheep. Who were these sheep that He would give up so much for? Let me tell you about these people. They were the type of people who had no power at all within themselves to love God and obey Him.

He came to save ungodly people. They were a people defined by everything opposite of what godly would be in His sight. You see, these lost sheep were His enemies opposing and despising God and His authority over them.

Those that He came to die for did not love Him, yet He loved them. These people did not deserve God’s favor… yet were shown great mercy. These people were at one time you and me.

I urge you to consider this great truth and ponder these things often.

Lord, help me to see the lost through your eyes of compassion and remind me how you have shown a great sinner like me such great mercy. Amen.

Go Deeper — Look back and remember your life before you became a Christian. Remember who you once were. “And such were some of you,” as the Bible says. Relate to those who do not believe, since you too were once lost, without hope, and without God in the world.

Tags: Romans Romans 5
Photo Credit: Jace Grandinetti