God made a covenant with Noah, and others with Abraham, Moses, and David. In the Bible, we read countless promises given by the Creator to humans, such as assurances of blessings, land, descendants, salvation. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that God fulfilled all these promises in Jesus.

Every Old Testament story, every interaction of God with the patriarchs, the prophets, and the nation of Israel, points in the same direction. Indeed, the entire testimony of Scripture reveals these two things: our desperate need for a Savior, and the Messiah through whom God would save us.

In Jesus, the mystery of how the Gentiles would be blessed through the Jews was solved. In Jesus, the law, which no person could keep, was fulfilled. In Jesus, the separation caused by Adam’s rebellion was mended. When Jesus died, the curtain in the temple ripped from top to bottom, literally and figuratively opening the way for us to enter into God’s presence.

In Jesus, Isaiah’s words (Isaiah 61:1) find fulfillment. The poor hear good news. Hope comes to the brokenhearted. Captives to fear, addiction, and legalism discover freedom.

No wonder Paul shouts, “Amen!” So be it.

We don’t need to doubt God’s promises, because the Redeemer has come. Though battles continue, the victory has already been won. And one day, Jesus will also accomplish God’s final guarantees for those who follow him — the assurance of “no more death or mourning or crying or pain” (Revelation 21:4). Amen! So be it.

God, we praise you. Accomplish your purposes in Jesus. Glorify your name in Jesus. Jesus is the fulfilment of all your promises and my hope rests in him. Amen.

Go Deeper — Which of the promises listed above in the Isaiah verse means the most to you?

Read Further — This article discusses how to pray God’s promises.

Tags: Promises of God 2 Corinthians 1
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