Sharing your faith doesn’t have to be hard work. Sometimes all you need to get started is to do something fun. As you can see in this video, reaching out to your neighbors can be as simple as saying, “Yes”.

To start this challenge, get a piece of paper and a pen and set a timer for one minute. In that minute you’re going to write down the name of every non-Christian you’ve talked to in the last two weeks. Ready? GO.

How does your list look? For some of us, there are family members on the list. There might also be co-workers or a Starbucks barista. Yet, for most of us, that list is probably pretty short. We tend to spend time with people who are like us. There’s nothing wrong with spending our time with Christians but if we’re not spending time with non-Christians, how will we ever share the Gospel with them?

A few years ago my parents faced this very issue. They took a look at where they spent their time and much of it was at church. All of their friends were Christians. Sure, they volunteered and did ministry through the church, but they weren’t friends with any non-Christians. They asked themselves a very important question, “Do we have people in our lives that don’t know Christ?”

They decided to do something about it.

You might think that my parents signed up to go on a mission trip but they didn’t; they went dancing. My parents had always wanted to try ballroom dancing and they realized that taking lessons would get them out into the community meeting people who might not be like them. That was more than five years ago, and now there is a whole new community of people that they are in regular contact with. (They also look fantastic on the dance floor at weddings.)

Take a look at your list. Are you in regular contact with non-Christians? What are some activities that you have thought about doing? Focus on things you really enjoy. When you’re having fun it’s easier to build relationships and be outgoing (even for the introverts among us). What’s a fun way you connect with not-yet-Christians? Make a comment below. Inspire others!

updated August 2019

Photo Credit: Prague Czech Republic