It’s an amazing honor to walk with someone who’s actively seeking God. Keep in mind that each person’s journey is different. Some people will want to explore questions about Christianity. Others will want to try out spiritual activities like prayer or Bible study.

Check out the list of ideas below and choose one or two that seem to apply to your friends’ situations and suggest them. If you can, offer to do it together. That way you’ll be right there when questions come up. Here’s a list of eight ways to help them:

1. Read God’s Word together. The Gospel of John is a really good place to start.

2. Take the Alpha Course with them. The Alpha Course includes videos, dessert or a meal, and discussion groups. It’s specifically designed to be a non-threatening place for seekers to explore Christianity. Many local churches offer Alpha at least once a year.

3. Invite your friend into your Christian community. Bring them to church, a small group, a neighborhood BBQ, a Christian concert, a youth retreat, or a sporting event. Choose the venue you think your friends would find most comfortable.

4. Work through a Christian book. Have coffee once a month to discuss one of the following:

5. Pray together. Life brings no shortage of troubles, so offer to pray with your friend out loud in their presence when something comes up; it could be a work or family issue, or even a personal tragedy. Praying together helps them realize that God cares about every detail of their lives and is always there to help.

6. Take a rain check. If your friend asks you a tough question and you don’t know what to say, don’t just make up an answer. Tell them you’ll try to find an answer for them. Then do some research at home and send them an email or a video link that answers that question well.

7. Get practical. Discuss what the Bible has to say about everyday life. There are plenty of Christian resources on marriage, parenting, or business leadership. Invite them to take a study or read a book that reveals God’s perspective on what concerns them.

8. Just hang out together. Go out for coffee. Have your friend over for dinner to watch a hockey game. As you build a relationship of trust, your friend will feel more comfortable to ask you spiritual questions.

Photo Credit: Matthew Henry